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After Your Child's Epigastric Hernia Repair

What is it?

A hernia is when tissue, part of an organ or fat bulges out of its normal place in the body, usually through a hole in the muscle. An epigastric hernia is when there is a hole in the muscle in the middle of the abdomen (belly) above the belly button. The hernia is fixed through an incision made over the hernia site.

What should I expect after surgery?

  • Your child may return to normal activities.

  • You may give your child Children’s Tylenol or Children’s Motrin to help with the pain. (Do not use Motrin if your child is less than 6 months old.) Don't use aspirin. 

    • Some children may have more pain and may require a prescription for pain medicine. You may use this every 4 hours as needed for pain and can alternate with regular Motrin to help with the pain.
  • If your child has a dressing, leave this on for  48 hours. If there are paper strips (steri-strips) under the bandage, do not take them off. They will come off on their own in about 1 week. If they have not come off by then, you may pull them off.

  • If there is Dermabond (skin glue), do not take them off. These will come off on their own.
  • No tub baths or swimming for 1 week. Your child may either shower or take a sponge bath 24 hours after surgery.

  • There are stitches that dissolve under your child’s skin. When the steri-strips fall off, the incision may feel hard or knotted - this is normal. Sometimes a knot from the stitch will be outside on the skin. This will fall off like a scab.


When do I follow up with the doctor?

Return to the Pediatric Surgery Clinic to see the doctor. We will give you an appointment time when your child goes home from surgery.

When should I call the doctor?

Call the doctor if your child has any of these:
  • Redness or swelling at incision site after 3 to 5 days

  • Temperature over 101°F for 6 to 12 hours that does not go down after taking 1 dose of Children’s Tylenol

  • Blood running from under the bandage

  • Drainage from the incision that smells bad

Weekdays, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., call the Pediatric Surgery Clinic at (859) 323-5625. Nights, weekends, and holidays, call UK Hospital at (859) 323-5321 and ask for the Pediatric Surgery Resident on call.


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